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Devon & Pearlene Clunis

Book Launch

at McNally Robinson


January 28, 2017


Cindy Johnson-Gallego (former St. John's teacher) 

introduces Devon and Pearlene

Devon and Pearlene read from the book and answered questions posed by Roger Cloutier and the audience.

Delyle Wesley (St. John's E.A.) and Cindy Johnson-Gallego

Brian and Trudy Burdy

Devon was presented with a St. John's Alumni Pin

The book was dedicated to "a number of educators who helped unlock the potential in the little boy from Jamaica".


Included in the dedication was

St. John's High School teachers/coaches:

Mr. Bill Wedlake (who was also in attendance)

at the presentation)

Mr. Brian Burdy

Mr. Dennis Pelisek

Sue Gibb and Brian Burdy attended the launch to purchase and have the books signed by Devon and Pearlene

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