Click on this attachment to download the complete PFD file of the 1981-82 Torch Yearbook
Click on this attachment to download the complete PFD file of the 1981-82 Torch Yearbook
Click on this attachment to download the complete PFD file of the 1981-82 Torch Yearbook
Click on this attachment to download the complete PFD file of the 1981-82 Torch Yearbook

E- Tech Newletter October 2013
Summer is over, students and teachers are back at work, and so is the alumni association. This newsletter includes mini-minutes from our September meeting, alumni in the news and an invitation for the class of 1983. If you have any news you’d like to submit for the newsletter or to be published on the web site, please send it to
We’d like to say au revoir to staff members who last June: Dennis Mogg, Acting Principal; Barb Shepit, Head Secretary and teachers Sandi Lamont and Margot McEdward. Their support and help during the reunion, and in the years since, has been phenomenal. Best wishes to all!
A warm Tiger welcome is extended to St. John’s new administrators, principal Doug Taylor and vice-principal Cree Crowchild.
September 9th Meeting Highlights
· Principal Doug Taylor is looking forward to continued involvement with the students and alumni association. He mentioned some tentative plans for initiatives he hopes to see implemented in the coming year. More details to come.
· Carolyn Rickey (1962-1968) spoke about the 100th anniversary of St. John’s Library in 2015. If there are any alumni interested in planning a celebration for this event, please contact Carolyn at
The Archives committee will resume its Wednesday afternoon sessions in October and is always looking for volunteers
· The Grads of 2013 were the first class to receive their alumni pins at convocation in June. We hope this will be a new tradition for all grads. Pins will soon be available for all alumni to purchase. Please check the website for more information.
· Discussion about organizing a celebration for alumni centenarians. A call will go out for names.
· Next meeting: October 30, 7:00 p.m. in the library
Principal's Message
Since becoming the Principal of St John's High School, I have been overwhelmed by the welcoming I have received. The Alumni, in particular have shared with me the rich historical past surrounding this glorious school. Deeply immersed in Historical understandings (I am a Past President of the Manitoba Historical Society), I believe that the past speaks to the future. Our students should be proud of their rich heritage! You have "stories" that need to be told to our student body.
I look forward to our continued relationship with the Alumni Association. You are doing great work!! Doug Taylor
Alumni Serve at the Annual Meet the Teacher /Community BBQ
On Wednesday, September 18, several St. John's Alumni members were present at the school to assist the staff in hosting a welcome back to the new school year BBQ for parents, students and other community members. Our Alumni President, Percy Casas brought greetings in the senior gym from the alumni, following the welcome addresses from the new school vice principal, Mr. Cree Crowchild and new principal, Mr. Doug Taylor.
The event was very well attended. Your fellow alumni members served BBQ hotdogs and other goodies to a crowd in excess of 150. The alumni participation freed up many staff to connect with attending parents and their children. This fun event clearly provided a very casual and welcoming introduction to the school for new students and their parents and gave the alumni a special opportunity to show its continued presence and support of the school. We all proudly wore our new St. John's alumni pins. This event also gave us a chance to meet the new principal and many of the school staff members.
We hope to help out again next year with this BBQ, along with other school events that may require more willing hands during this school year. You will receive notice of other chances to show your Tiger Pride at the school as the need arises. Notices will be sent to all registered alumni, via e-mail, when a call for help is needed.
We hope to see you soon, with other alumni, as we share some time together in the joy of giving back to OUR SCHOOL!
Brian Burdy, Alumni Vice-President.
Submitted by Chris Dewar
The Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame is inducting three St. John’s alumni at its 34th Annual Induction Ceremony on November 2. Honoured as a builder in basketball is Bill Wedlake, who has a double claim to fame at St. John’s as a student 1961-64 and as a teacher and coach 1969-85.
Also, among the honorees are the three Ken Watson teams who won the Canadian curling championship in 1936, 1942 and 1949. Both Ken, who skipped the rink, and his brother Grant Watson, who played third, graduated from St. John’s in the early 1920s. Ken was inducted as an athlete and builder in 1980 and is also a member of the Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame. Tickets for the Induction Dinner can be purchased at
Peter Press, retired St. John’s High School teacher, will be inducted into the Manitoba Rugby Hall of Fame at the 2013 Induction Dinner slated for Saturday October 19, 2013 at The Gates. He is nominated in the Builder category by the Saracens Rugby Football Club.
Peter taught at St. John’s from 1967 to 1990 and is looking forward to reconnecting with friends and colleagues during his 6-day sojourn in Winnipeg. Tickets for this event may still be available at $100.00 from Brad Hirst at Rugby Manitoba.
Former St. John’s administrator (1999-2004) and alumnus (1963-66) Ross Wedlake was recognized on September 29, 2013 by the Coaches Association of Canada with a Coach Developer Award. Ross is a very active volunteer giving many clinics and seminars for coaches. He is also the current President of Basketball Manitoba and Chair of the Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame. Yea Tigers!